I recently found a site called The Dating Divas. This site is dedicated to ideas for dating your spouse. There are lots of fun ideas for dates and little gifts. This is definitely worth checking out. I'll admit that my husband and I need to work on this...we are fortunate in that we see each other a lot more than most couples because he works from home almost every day. But rarely do we set aside time to go out without the kids and really focus on each other. Gotta work on this...
Here is a great Valentine's printable from Kristin at Simply Klassic Home. I love this one and used it last year on a table in my entryway.

We Love Being Moms posted 14 Days of Valentines for Kids...really cute little treats that would be fun to do for kids.
Pinterest is full of cute ideas for Valentines for kids to hand out at school. This is one of my favorites...
Source: batemanbuzz.blogspot.com via Jennifer (HomeMatters) on Pinterest
There won't be a special date night or anything for us on Valentine's Day. I'll be shuttling my daughter to and from dance class, there will be homework and a quick family dinner...just like any other Tuesday evening in our home. Date night will have to wait for another day.
But I'll be sure to have a few fun treats for the family to show my love :)
So, do you have anything special planned for Valentine's Day?