
Monday, January 9, 2012

Catching Up

Well, it's been a while since I've posted.  I didn't really intend to take so much time away during the holidays but it just sort of happened.  Life got busy.  But my family and I did enjoy a nice Christmas and I hope you all did too.

Now on to the new year...
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I've been working on getting the house back to normal after putting all of the decorations away.  As much as I love having the house all dressed up for Christmas, I'll admit I was ready when the day came to pack it away and clean up. 

I am excited that we've almost completed our first home project for the new year.  Rob built a big 4 x 8 shelf for the garage to store most of our Christmas stuff.  This will make it much easier to get to each year.  The shelf hangs down from the ceiling but it's above where the garage door opens (does that make sense?).  He's finished one shelf and is going to build a second one soon to complete the project.  I love the extra storage!

It's a terrible photo but I snapped a quick picture to show how the shelf hangs from the ceiling.  The garage door is partially open so you can see that aspect too.  There's lots of room up there. 

I'm back to menu planning for our dinners.  Do you do it?  It really helps me feel organized to know what I am making each night and keeps our budget under control too.  I base my plan on using items I already have on hand, plus items that are on sale at the store each week.  Here's how this week looks...

Monday...Oregano Chicken with rice, green beans
Tuesday...loaded baked potatoes and salad
Wednesday...grilled chicken and veggies on angel hair pasta
Thursday...penne with vodka sauce, salad
Friday...Sloppy Joes*, oven fries, slaw
Saturday...Taco Soup, beer bread
Sunday... grilled tilapia, rice, steamed veggies

* I will post this recipe very soon.

One of my goals this year is to try at least one new recipe each week.  I did this last year too.  We found some good recipes that have become family favorites.  I look forward to sharing some new recipes with you too. 

Some of the recipes I am anxious to try will be on the healthy side.  Yet another one of my goals for the year is to get healthier, which means losing some weight.  I have started making some changes...drinking more water and eating more fruits and veggies.  I've walked some too but I need to be more consistent with it.

So, what kinds of goals have you made for the new year?  How are you doing so far?


  1. Your new shelf is such a great way to make use of available space in your home.

    I want to do a few home improvement project this year. Number one on my list is to makeover our guest bath.

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