
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'm Back to Blogging...And a Dessert Recipe!

I pretty much took most of the summer off from my blog.  I didn't really intend to but it just seemed to happen that way.  Summer was fun and I enjoyed the time with the kids. 

They are both back in school now.  My son started at a new school this year, a charter school in the area, and he went back to school on July 27th.  Seemed a little crazy at the time but we adjusted and he is doing just great.  My daughter just started back just over a week ago.  She was ready for it!

And it's not just school that's started again.  It's things like dance lessons, cub scouts and sports that are all beginning again.  All these things make for some busy afternoons and evenings. Part of this new weekday routine is finding quick and easy meals that everyone enjoys, especially on the evenings with extracurricular activities.  Look for lots of quick, easy and family-friendly recipes in the days and weeks to come.

In the meantime, here's an easy dessert you can throw together for a yummy treat for your family.  Hope you enjoy it!  (Sorry for the lack of a photo...we were in too much of a hurry to dig in!)

Easy Blueberry Dessert

1/2 of a boxed yellow cake mix
1 stick butter, melted
1 frozen bag of blueberries  (or fresh berries right now since they are in season)

Put the blueberries in the bottom, then the cake mix.  Then pour the melted butter over the top.  Bake at 350 until golden brown and bubbly...about 20 minutes.

Serve with a big ole scoop of vanilla ice cream. 



  1. I love an easy, yummy dessert like this. Your kids are adorable. Hope they both have a terrific school year.

  2. Look at those good looking kiddos! My last few months have been CRAZY too. It's hard to blog and keep it all going, isn't it?

    I make the peach version of that, but I'm dying to try the bluberry version. I bet it's fantastic. My little one is addicted to blueberry muffins. She will LOVE it! Thanks for sharing!
