
Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday Favorites

Sorry I've been so quiet the past 2 weeks.  We've had some out-of-town company and my computer time has been very limited. 

I do have quite a few posts planned for next week and have several giveaways coming up in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned!

I did manage to find a few minutes to check out some neat stuff to share with you this week.  Hope you enjoy visiting these talented ladies.

Lucky Me Board (Tutorial and giveaway) from icandy handmade

Homemade Thin Mints
Baking Bites has a bunch of Homemade Girl Scout Cookie Recipes.  We love the Thin Mints and Samoas in this house.  I might have to give some of these a try!

The countdown is on for Easter and I found this really cute project for your little ones...DIY Stuffed Animal Easter Baskets from The Idea Room (check out this blog if you've never visited before). 

Hope you all enjoy a wonderful weekend.  I'm looking forward to getting back to my blogging next week :)


  1. Hope you've been having a good time with your company. I'm having company next week. Thanks for hte links. I'm dying to make some homemeade girls scout cookies.

  2. hee hee...I loved seeing our giveaway on your blog as soon as I opened it! You're my new fav! :)
    And...did you know you won? email me your info quick so you can get your board up before the 17th!
