
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blogger Awards...Thank You!!

Within the last week I have received a few blogger awards and I was surprised and tickled with each one.  I am so amazed that these ladies thought of me and my little blog when choosing who to spotlight. 

For those of you who are new to blogging, or who don't blog, these awards are a way for bloggers to share the love and spotlight fellow bloggers who we feel should get some extra attention. 

So, I am sending a BIG THANK YOU to Kim at Moonlight Dreams, to Kaitlyn at The Birds Nest and to Ellen at A Season For All Things.  I've recently found these three ladies and am enjoying each of their blogs.
Please take a few minutes to stop by and visit them!
Now, to pay it forward to others and follow the rules of the awards.  I am to tell you 7 little things about me and I am to pass this along to 15 bloggers.  So, here it goes...

**I am a 30something wife and mom living in North Carolina.  I'm a native North Carolinian, which is rare    these days as we seem to have LOTS of folks from NY and NJ moving in.
**I love coupons, shopping clearance racks and thrift stores.
**My favorite food is ice cream.
**I'd wear flip flops year-round if my feet didn't get so cold.
**I love to get lost in a good book.
**I used to decorate ice cream cakes at Baskin Robbins (MANY years ago!!).
**I cannot snap my fingers no matter how hard I try.

Now, here is my list of 15.  Some are new-to-me and some are not but I love them all.  Please take some time to stop by and visit these great bloggers.  You might just find a new favorite blog to follow :)

*Mandy at Serving While Saving
*Tanya at FrouFrou Britches
*Amanda at Serenity Now~A Mommy's Solution To Staying Sane
*Traci at Ordinary Inspirations
*Leanne at Organize and Decorate Everything
*Brandie at The Country Cook
*Nanci at Willow House with Nanci
*Leslie at Goodbye House, Hello Home
*Kristin at A Guide To Living Graciously
*Paula at Sweet Pea
*Stacy at She's {kinda} Crafty
*Tiffany at Eat at Home
*Carmella at Southern Fried Dreams
*Becca at Home Is Where My Story Begins
*Jo at Smile Monsters

Again, thanks to Kaitlyn, Kim and Ellen!  Now I get to share the love with the bloggers on my list : )

Let me know if you discover a new favorite blog from my list!


  1. I would TOTALLY wear flip flops year round too! ahhhhhh :-)

    Thanks so much for the award. It is an honor.

    Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations

  2. You sweet thing! Thanks so much! Congrats on your award! YAY!!!

    I would wear flip flops all year long too, especially my Yellow Box! So comfy! And you used to decorate BR cakes? How cool are you? That rocks!

  3. Jennifer - thank you so, so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. I am so new to blogging and it has been so nice meeting other food bloggers like you. You have given my such positive comments so to have you pass on this award is just the sweetest thing ever!!

  4. Hi, Jennifer! We have several things in common. :) (Right now, I WISH I was decorating cakes at BR b/c I am hungry). ;) Thank you so much for thinking of me. :)

  5. Thanks so much for nominating me.

    I also love flip flops and getting lost in a good book. In fact, I'd like to be by a pool with a book right now!

  6. Thank you! Oh, and i love ice cream too!

    Jo @ SmileMonsters

  7. Hi!
    I am so honored that you thought of lil ol me.
    This makes my week!
    You are so thoughtful.
    I am going to add this to a scrolling sidebar thingy and call it House Warming Gifts ;)!
    Funny. I cannot snap to save my life either--I thought I was the only one!!
    I also am a cake decorator (Wilton).
    I'm a bare-footer. Cept in winter :)
    I pray you have a wonderfully blessed day making your home, Jennifer!
    [Thank you, again!]
