
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cookie Mush

Cookie Mush...Just the name makes me smile and brings back memories :)

I spent many years as a teenager and young adult volunteering for a children's oncology camp called Camp CARE.  Each summer we'd take the children to a camp in Lake Lure...we used another camp's facility.  This other camp, Camp Lurecrest, was run by the sweetest couple, The Garr's.  Mrs. Garr ran the kitchen and had for over 40 years.  At some point she had introduced a dessert to her campers that was made simply of cookies and whipped topping.  One camper referred to it as Cookie Mush and the name stuck. 

By the time Camp CARE came along and began to use their place for a week each summer this dessert had a reputation.  It was an instant hit with our campers that first year.  In time it became such a tradition with us that it was a big deal to try to figure out which night it would be served and the anticipation grew as the week went on. 

My family on our visit to Camp CARE's 25th Anniversary (July 2010)
This summer marked the 25th anniversary of Camp CARE and my family and I visited for the day along with some other former staff members.  They rolled out the red carpet for us and treated us to a wonderful dinner.  And sure enough, the campers and staff started pounding on the tables, the sound building to a roar.  And then the dining hall servers arrived with the big trays of Cookie Mush!  Our visit back to Camp CARE was complete. 

So, here it of my sentimental favorites...Cookie Mush!

Chocolate chip cookies, any brand although Mrs. Garr always said to use the cheap store brand, you'll need about 70-75 cookies
Cool Whip, thawed
Quickly dip the cookies in a bowl of milk (do not soak the cookies) and arrange on the bottom of an ungreased 9x12 pan.  Cover with a thick layer of whipped topping. 
Add a second layer of dipped cookies and a second layer of whipped topping.  Add a third layer of each. 
Chill dessert in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight.  Cut into squares and serve.  This will keep several days in the refrigerator but mine never does...there's never any left!!
(this particular time my daughter made a smaller batch in an 8x8 dish)

You can also make this with Oreos, dipped in milk, for a middle layer. 

I'm joining in this week's Ingredient Spotlight at Eat At Home.


  1. Oh no! This looks fabulous!! My hips are thanking you now!

    Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by!

    the gaines gagn

  2. I'm going to need to make this! How did you get the recipe from Mrs. Garr? I thought it was Top Secret!!!

  3. Thanks for stopping by Coupon Makeover! I LOVE this recipe - we call it Coolwhip oreo cookies make a nice twist, so do m&m cookies.

    MMMM, think I am going to have to make this again soon:)

  4. Oh man this looks awesome! I will be trying it soon for sure!

    I am enjoying my visit to your blog (it's my first time). I hope you can stop over to Free 2 Be Frugal sometime soon.

  5. Those sound awesome! And they look so easy to make, too. We've used cookies with pudding and jam, and that's wonderful, but it takes a bit more work.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    By the way, your blog loads quickly. It's awesome!


    Annie Kate

    PS I'm a couponing failure, unlike you, but I garden instead, and that helps too. :)

  6. oh yum! oreos dunked in milk are my favorite!!

  7. That is one of the best desserts ever!!! I make something similar in pie form and it is to die for. :) Thanks for linking up with me. :)

  8. I've heard of this dessert and have never tried it. It looks yummy!!

  9. Oh wow! That looks wonderful and what a great idea to dip the cookies in milk.

  10. Thank you for posting this recipe! My son is at Camp CARE this week and my daughter was bummed that she wasn't old enough to go yet. I wanted to give her a little bit of "camp' at home and this was perfect! We made Cookie Mush today and it was awesome! She was so happy to be having the same dessert as her brother at camp CARE. Blessings, Amber Greenawalt

  11. Sweet Meryl Garr passed away this Sunday, she and Alfred ran our church cam...Camp Lurecrest. We wii miss her. They served her cookie mush after her funeral for reception. Awesome stuff.....Susan

  12. My name is Kayla. I am Leukemia survivor and I have been going to Camp C.A.R.E. since I was 6 years old. I am now 15 and sadly next year is my last year. Camp C.A.R.E. is my second home and they truly do wonders there. Everyone enjoys the cookie mush and as much as we love eating it, we love to rub it in our friends faces (:

  13. As a kid, I spent every summer at Camp Lurecrest, worked when old enough and worked Camp Care. Now, it's my son is a camper!
    This Cookie Mush is so good, the staff used to sneak into the kitchen in the middle of the night to eat the leftovers!
    Meryl Garr was the most amazing woman I ever had the privilege to work with and know.

  14. A simple version served in New Orleans is to fill a cup with cookies and add !/2 cup milk. Let sit for about 5 minutes, crush cookies with a spoon and enjoy. You can use a small bowl.Chocolate chip or Oreos are best.

  15. I was introduced to Cookie Mush by my grandfather who ate it with me. He was German American and born in New Orleans in 1895. I still eat it often. Use oatmeal cookies for breakfast.

  16. Hey Jen and Rob! I keep thinking I will make this but I forget how the recipe goes. I miss it, Camp CARE and of course you guys. I wonder how camp has been if at all since covid. I think about it everyday.
