
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New Directions...

When I first started this blog I did it to share coupon info and deals I found with my friends.  Initially that was all it was and that was fine.  Then I started to learn about the world of blogging...and I liked it!  Little by little I started to find other blogs I love and started to leave comments and participate in blog parties and my followers and subscribers were becoming more and more people I had never met before.  I started to struggle with the direction I wanted to go in and how much time I could commit to this little hobby. 

Well, I think I have finally decided that I cannot focus on sharing all the deals.  There are SO many good deal bloggers out there (and I follow tons of them!).  I can't give the proper amount of time needed to share all the latest deals and freebies and that's ok.  I am happy to let you know where to go find that info through these other ladies. 

In addition to loving my coupons and deals, I also love everything about my home and making it the best for my family.  I love decorating and cooking and some crafty stuff.  I love to find and share little things I think are helpful.  And I love all things thrifty...from grocery store deals to awesome Goodwill finds. 

I have been working on how I want this blog to move forward and I am anxious to begin sharing it in the next few weeks.  I hope you will stick around and join in : )


  1. Congrats on your new blog journey! Sounds like you’re going to have some fun stuff going on over here.

    Kendra aka “Domestic Princess in Training”

  2. Exciting changes! Sounds great! Oh and good luck!
